Reading Time: 3 minutes

Why should you choose your growth strategy very carefully?

Reading Time: 3 minutes Growth strategies are a set of rules and norms you select in the course of a business to attain flexibility and achieve your goal. These strategies are numerous and are developed and differentiated by every business. It is very important to understand what exactly your business needs and where do you want to grow. Clarity […]

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Why is augmented reality the next big “reel” for your digital presence?

Reading Time: 3 minutes Today’s world operates on different technologies and evolving variables. In this new day and age. Marketing has evolved to the level of personalization. The digital marketing space has been evolving so much that first it was virtual reality and now it is augmented reality services.  We were still adapting to virtual reality technologies, but now […]

Reading Time: 3 minutes

The Trump card of negotiation

Reading Time: 3 minutes Our world is full of randomized minimization. To live, we need to make friends with many people, and many situations and we need to go through or deal with numerous instances. To live a life in a better way, we all negotiate with many things. We come to terms with many problems and we make […]

Reading Time: 3 minutes

The depth of zero party data

Reading Time: 3 minutes Websites need a lot of data to operate in a well-mannered way. While every other data is important as an input from the individual visitor. There are numerous ways that a website can determine how a visitor operates on their front and what is the behavioural aspect of a single individual than to a demographic […]

Reading Time: 3 minutes

How to be financially intelligent while you are in your 20s?

Reading Time: 3 minutes Finance is never taught in school. If it helps, finance is the thing that we all avoid. The whole system seems too bundled and different to understand and be taught to children. The only reason we are not financially intelligent is that we are never told how much it is important to understand how money […]

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Five fingers SEO rule for organic Shopify traffic.

Reading Time: 3 minutes Economics is all rage today. We all know what Amazon has done in its years of operation. Especially after the pandemic, the reliance on E-Commerce websites has grown statistically. When you are starting an E-commerce website, there are chances that you are going to be on Shopify. Seeing the rage that Shopify is growing on, […]

Reading Time: 3 minutes

The hindrances to servant leadership.

Reading Time: 3 minutes If we talk about the forms of leadership existing today, servant leadership will possibly be the last one to be listed. Not only this form of leadership has been denied existence worthwhile in history, but it has been confused due to many existing definitions which are biased towards the result and not the exact meaning […]

Reading Time: 3 minutes

The Largest and most successful software legend of India.

Reading Time: 3 minutes Whenever we talk about the technological pioneers of our times, we generally think about Elon Musk, Bill Gates, or possibly Steve Jobs and Wozniak. As Indians, we take pride in the development that our country has made in the last 50 years. But we are a bit short on giving proper recognition to people who […]

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Why do you need to scale your business? What is sustainability in business?

Reading Time: 3 minutes Businesses are an essential part of human civilization and society. Trade and commerce were the first activities to be taken by people. Trade has been the epitome of pioneers of development. Businesses need to thrive and survive to ensure the welfare of society and proper growth. Not only do businesses add their fair share of […]